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tokenpay and verge debit cards

At the beginning of 2018, Verge (XVG) was said to be one of the most promising projects on the blockchain scene. Verge has now found a new massive supporter, TokenPay, a blockchain company offering fiat and crypto services that has most recently made a deal that has made Verge closer to getting its first XVG crypto debit card. TokenPay is said to be one of the greatest supporters of Verge currency, meaning that the blockchain company even supported them in their first crowdfunding campaign ever to be held by XVG team in order to unveil a mystery partnership, providing a massive part of the total sum to Verge foundation. The TokenPay team has also made their plan about buying stakes in a German bank public, announcing that the initial purchase will enable them to issue crypto debit cards, which should consequently lead o mass adoption and easy integration of cryptocurrencies in our everyday lives. In the spirit of the strong partnership holding TokenPay and XVG together, TPAY team announced back when the hype revolving around the mystery partnership was still on, that Verge will become the first currency to have its debit card issued by XVG. In the meantime, Litecoin’s CEO Charlie Lee also became interested in joining the crew while also showing interest in the crypto debit card, on that occasion also proposing cooperation to TokenPay.



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