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Tron Releases Guideline to Upgrade Pornhub Accounts With TRX

Tron TRX partnership with pornhub

Tron once again confirmed unwavering support for company’s partnership with Pornhub, as it released a special detailed guidance report for upgrading Pornhub accounts using TRX tokens on the website. The partnership between Tron Foundation and leading adult website, Pornhub was confirmed by the sides which were looking forward to the upcoming cooperation. And yesterday the actual integration of TRX on the website was finally confirmed as the sides published the official guidelines. The official message by Pornhub on their Twitter page stated: “we are excited to announce that were now accepting Zen Cash and Tron (TRX) as crypto currency payment for Pornhub Premium!!” The released detailed guidance report is aimed at providing step by step simplified guidance to the users who may be interested in using their TRX tokens to purchase premium membership at the major adult entertainment website.



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