Verge (XVG) is an anonymous cryptocurrency with a focus especially on privacy. It is decentralized for users who priorities privacy. It enhances upon the Bitcoin blockchain by operating with various anonymity-centric networks including TOR and I2P. It takes advantage of multi-algorithm mining support to improve security levels and present equal coin distribution to miners. The cryptocurrency was originally launched in 2014 by an anonymous developer named “Sunerok”. Its initial name was Dogecoin Dark and it was not very visible in the market. After the name changed to Verge, the currency’s value not only increased by 100% but also began to spread on the market quickly. It is currently a community funded and developed as an open-source project. Any community members can submit potential commits to their Github repository or contact the primary development team through their contact information on their website.
Other notable team members include CryptoRekt (CMO), Kieran Daniels (VP of Marketing) and Sasha (VP of Operations). The community consists of hundreds of volunteers that regularly contribute to the platform as well. The reason for Sunerok to decide to build Verge was due to security issues. He believed Bitcoin wasn’t anonymous enough, so he designed a blockchain that would allow people to send and receive funds more privately. For instance, it is possible to learn information including transaction history and account balances and etc. during a Bitcoin transaction. Verge, on the other hand, enables the users to hide all of this information, which makes every transaction entirely untraceable. The use of TOR and I2P protocols together enables to enhance Verge’s security measures. TOR, which stands for The Onion Network, is an anonymous browser that helps to conceal the user’s real location by constant server switches.The Wrath Protocol, which is what Verge team is working on, is a protocol that will allow users to send and receive funds even more anonymously than they already can. It will help to cover up every part of the transaction except the amount that is being sent. It will be like paying with cash at a drugstore. Non-traceable!