With Over 100 Bug Fixes, #Tron (#TRX) Unveils Multiple Accounts TronWallet

Tron (TRX) has added “two most in-demand” innovations to its newly unveiled TronWallet: multiple accounts and an address book to store contacts. As well, the new wallet comes with over 100 bug fixes, and now translated into five languages: Spanish, Chinese, French, Portuguese and Dutch. On the wallet, users can now split their operations into multiple accounts. For those who are conversant with the app, the look has completely changed. While necessary information are still intact on the platform, the screen is now regarded as account. There, the controls for Multiple Accounts are possible. However, note that the card presented on the screen indicates which account is being selected when you first have only a single account. Once you create more accounts, they show up to the right and left where you will be able to select which will be active by swiping to that account.On this wallet, newly created account is automatically given a name, as well, you can edit your new accounts and your favorite addresses as contacts in a new tab called Address Book, a blog post explaining the new features has indicated.