The Future of Ethereum Part 2: Casper, Sharding and eWASM

In Part 1, we covered everything you need to know about the Ethereum ice age, the difficulty bomb, and the changes to Ethereum’s inflation rate set to come with October’s Constantinople update. Now that you have a firm grasp of Ethereum’s current development status and plans for the immediate future, we can take a look at the platform’s long-term plans, particularly Ethereum’s long-awaited 2.0 update, which focuses on Casper, sharding, and eWASM.
These changes are going to completely reshape the Ethereum network and could kickstart a new wave of growth for the platform. Let’s get into it! Casper and the Transition to Proof of Stake - The most anticipated part of Ethereum 2.0 is likely the platform’s long-awaited proof of stake (PoS) algorithm, Casper. Ethereum’s transition to proof of stake has been prompted by two main concerns: energy waste and mining centralization.