Charlie Lee reveals why he sold his Litecoin; says BTC is gold, XRP is diamond
Litecoin founder, Charlie Lee in a recent interview shared his thoughts about cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple’s XRP and Litecoin...

![Litecoin [LTC] Founder Charlie Lee Clarifies The Token Pay And Litecoin Foundation Partnership](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e7db76_1865a0e991104cc9af942db274a0f028~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_225,h_225,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/e7db76_1865a0e991104cc9af942db274a0f028~mv2.webp)
Litecoin [LTC] Founder Charlie Lee Clarifies The Token Pay And Litecoin Foundation Partnership
Ever since Litecoin Foundation announced its partnership with TokenPay, it has become the most controversial topic in the cryptoverse....