Bitcoin (BTC) Approaches Its Final Few Weeks Of Correction
Bitcoin (BTC) is weeks away from reaching the end of an overextended correction. The triangle in which Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading for...

Bitcoin Dominance Nears 50% Even As The Price Plummets
Bitcoin's dominance — a measure of its total cryptocurrency market share — has continued to creep up over recent days, hitting...

#Bitcoin (#BTC) Price Slips Below Crucial $6,800 Support Level
The worst does not appear to be over for the bitcoin price, as the flagship cryptocurrency on Tuesday slipped below $6,800, a mark that...

Goldman Sachs sees more price pain ahead for bitcoin
Goldman Sachs is not optimistic for the near-term fate of cryptocurrency. In its mid-year economic report, the bank's investment...

Did the Bitcoin Price Just Spike 12% in 15 Minutes then drop right back?
Bitcoin’s price may have experienced multiple spikes Friday, according to CoinMarketCap, after the owner of the New York Stock Exchange...

Bitcoin Whale's Bad Trade Leaves Counterparties Holding the Bag
A massive wrong-way bet on Bitcoin left an unidentified futures trader unable to cover losses, burning counterparties and threatening to...

At What Level Do Institutional Buyers Join The Bitcoin Rally?
Bitcoin bulls are losing control again and the bitcoin price is back where the rally took off. The rally started on July 13, when the...
Report: 3 Million Brits Invested in Crypto via Exchanges, Few Sought Advice
According to a new study, about 3 million British investors have put money into crypto through online trading platforms and only 5...

U.S. Investors Not Biting on Bitcoin, but Many Intrigued
Bitcoin, the leading form of digital currency that has seen its price soar, crash and rise again in the past year, has made little...

BITCOIN COULD REACH $50,000 IN 2018 AND $500,000 BY 2024 — HERE’S HOW
A pair of Bitcoin permabulls believes that the top-ranked cryptocurrency will reach new highs in 2018 and beyond. According to Anthony...